GSA 8(a) Stars III

GSA 8(a) Stars III
The 8(a) Streamlined Technology Acquisition Resource for Services (STARS) III Governmentwide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) is a Multiple Award, Indefinite-Delivery, Indefinite-Quantity (MA-IDIQ) contract to provide information technology (IT) services and IT services-based solutions to the federal government. It is reserved for 8(a) prime contractors and established under the authority of the Small Business Act.
It is also operated in concert with authority from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), which has designated the GSA as an Executive Agent (EA) for Governmentwide IT acquisitions pursuant to Section 5112(e) of the Clinger-Cohen Act, 40 U.S.C. 11302(e).
The STARS III contract has a ceiling of $50 billion. The primary North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) code for the Master Contract is designated as 541512, Computer Systems Design Services. Requirements that align with other IT services NAICS codes are within the scope of the STARS III GWAC. These NAICS codes include, but are not limited to: 541511, 541513, 541519, 518210.
For more information on the contract please visit: GSA 8(a) Stars III
To learn more about Aretec Inc. and how STARS III can help streamline your acquisition process please contact us at
GSA Stars III Program Manager :
Angela Kowalewski
Executive Director of Business Development
Direct: 703 539 8801
Contract Email:
Contract Information
Contract vehicle: GSA Stars III
Contract number:47QTCB22D0173
DUNS number: 117130159
Cage code: 8DG82
Contract Base Ordering Period: July 2, 2021, through July 1, 2026
Contract Option Ordering Period: July 2, 2026, through July 1, 2029
Performance for Task orders awarded during Ordering Period can go 5 years beyond the ordering end date
Eligible Agencies: All federal agencies may place task orders against this contract.
Agency Sponsor: General Services Administration (GSA)
For more information please visit GSA eLibrary